Sus-Chem Group
Sus-Chem Group -Sustainable Macromolecular Chemistry Synthesis and characterization of new polymers and copolymers (polyesters and polyamides)...
Read MoreFUNpolymerLab
Functional polymers: Synthesis and application in (nano)technologies Polymeric materials from renewable resources: environmental impact,...
Read MoreGreencat
Sustainable catalysis, optimization of process, complete valorization of biomasses, catalytic conversion for chemicals and biofuels, process...
Read MoreBIOlab Research Group
Exploitation of natural polymers: chemical modification, biofunctionalization, processing, and crosslinking of polysaccharides, proteins, and...
Read MoreSmart Polymer Group
Polymers with chromogenic properties: synthesis and polymer modification with chromogenic probes sensing to chemical, mechanical and thermal...
Read MoreM_4.0_LAB
SustainabilityPolymer modification for recycling: polymer functionalization for reversible crosslinking of elastomers and upcycling (upgrade in...
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High performance and Smart Materials
● “Functional Materials” funded by the University of Pisa
● CAPACITY “Cavi altamente performanti e ad elevata sostenibilità per trasporto di energia e connettività, mediante sviluppo e caratterizzazione di innovativi nanomateriali” funded by Regione Toscana, program POR FESR 2014-2020.
● “Studio mediante prove di laboratorio ed in campo delle proprietà antivegetative e di rilascio di fouling marino di prodotti vernicianti innovativi a basso impatto ambientale” funded by Maflon S.p.A.
● “Nuovi prodotti polimerici come componenti di rivestimenti protettivi antivegetativi atossici nel settore della nautica e della protezione lapidea” funded by Maflon S.p.A.
● PRIN 2017 (20179BJNA2) “Functional supramolecular polymers for self-diagnostic composites” funded by Ministero Dell’Università e della Ricerca (MUR)
Materials for Health
● "Riprogrammazione antiinfiammatoria della microglia come terapia per la neurodegenerazione retinica". Progetto PRA funded by the University of Pisa
● ERC-2022-ADG MaMa “In-silico Models for the Design of Mechanochromic Functionalized Polymers”
● PRIN 2022ZZC2HZ LUCE “Luminescent solar Concentrators based on recycled methylmethacrylate and Eco-compatible materials”
● PRIN 2022 PNRR P2022FHCTE POLiBATT “Next-generation redox POlymers for Lithium and POst-Lithium organic BATTeries”
● RSC Research Fund MP3 “Multi-potent precursor approach for the preparation of conjugated polymers with complementary electronic properties”
● COLOURS - “Concentratori solari luminescenti per arredo urbano smart – COLOURS” funded by Regione Toscana bando POR FESR 2014-2020
● ENEA2020 “Studio e sviluppo di membrane a scambio anionico” funded by Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico (MiSE) in collaboration with ENEA
● “Progetto LSC – concentratori solari luminescenti” funded by Sardinian Greenhouses s.r.l.
● “SUNRISE: Concentratori solari luminescenti NIR riflettenti” PRA_2020_21 funded by University of Pisa
● “Sviluppo di membrane polimeriche a scambio anionico per la produzione di idrogeno dall’elettrolisi dell’acqua” funded by Enapter srl
Sustainable Processes and Materials
● "Innovative TAnnery chemicals from CAnnabis sativa substances" (ITACA). Progetto finanziato nell’ambito del programma POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020, periodo 2020-2022
● PRIN “LEvulinic acid Valorization through Advanced Novel Technologies” (LEVANTE). Progetti di Ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale-Bando PRIN 2020 periodo 2022- 2025
● BIOMOTIVE “Advanced BIObased polyurethanes and fibres for the autoMOTIVE industry with increased environmental sustainability” Project ID: 745766 Call: H2020-BBI-JTI-2016 funded by EU.
● PRIN 2017 (2017FWC3WC) VISION “Development and promotion of the Levulinic acid and Carboxylate platforms funded by the formulation of novel and advanced PHA-based biomaterials and their exploitation for 3D printed green-electronics applications”
● POR FESR 2014-2020 MASTERB “Smart Manufacturing of AntioxidantS from Technological Recovery and valorization of Biomasses", funded by Regione Toscana
● POR FESR 2014-2020 MITICO “Modellazione e sviluppo di Impianti Tecnologici Intelligenti per la sintesi di nuovi Concianti”, funded by Regione Toscana
● GREENFIBER “Valorizzazione catalitica delle fibre cellulosiche presenti nei fanghi provenienti dagli impianti di depurazione dei processi di produzione di carta tissue”, funded by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca, Pisa e Livorno
● “Micro- e nano-plastiche: metodologie di quantificazione, valutazione dell'impatto in ecosistemi marini e lacustri, strategie di remediation ambientale” funded by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca.
● HOTMIC “Horizontal and vertical oceanic distribution, transport, and impact of microplastics” funded by MUR in the frame of the European international consortium JPI Oceans.
● “Micro e nanoplastiche: strategie innovative per limitare il problema delle particelle invisibili” funded by The University of Pisa.
● ENCOMPASS - CharactErization aNd dynamiCs Of MicroPlastics from Agricultural Soils to groundwaterS (Caratterizzazione e dinamica delle microplastiche dai suoli agricoli alle acque sotterranee ). Bilateral Italy - P.R. China Great Relevance project, funded by MAECI (Italy) and MOST (China)