chimica industriale


icona foto docentiResearcher
Scientific Area: Industrial Chemistry

Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale
Via Moruzzi 13, 56124 PISA

Office Phone: +39 050 2219 319
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Brief Bio
Grazia Totaro graduated in Chemistry in 2002 (University of Ferrara). In 2007 she started a PhD in Materials Engineering at the University of Bologna (obtained in 2010). Since 2010 she has held the position of fellow, post-doc and Research Fellow at the Department of Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering of the University of Bologna. She studied in Paris at the Université René Descartes and in Clermont-Ferrand at the Ecole Nationale de Chimie. She has collaborated with companies such as LyondellBasell (Ferrara), Reagens SPA (San Giorgio di Piano). She has been involved in the research activities of the European projects Prolific (H2020 Grant Agreement 790157) and Terminus (H2020 Grant Agreement 814400), in collaboration with European partners such as SIGMA Clermont (FR), FNHW (Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, CH), Covestro (DE), Norner (NO), IPC (Centre Technique Industriel de la Plasturgie et des Composites FR), FTMC (Fiziniu ir Technologijos Mokslu Centras, LT), Tetrapak (SW).
She is the author of about 50 publications since 2004, including more than 40 scientific papers in international peer-reviewed journals, 2 book chapters, 2 patents, various contributions in conference proceedings and editorials.
She is currently an RTD-b researcher at the University of Pisa.
Her research interests are related to the macromolecular chemistry with specific attention to polymers from renewable sources. In particular, studies are carried out in the following areas:
- synthesis and characterization of polymers and copolymers (especially polyesters);
- synthesis and modification of layered double hydroxides structures;
- preparation of multifunctional composites and nanocomposites.

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Department of Chemistry
and Industrial Chemistry

Via Giuseppe Moruzzi, 13
56124 Pisa

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