chimica industriale


icona foto docentiFull Professor
Scientific Area: Industrial Chemistry

Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale
Via Moruzzi 13, 56124 PISA

Office Phone: +39 050 2219 270
Lab. Phone: +39 050 2219 226
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Short academic CV and research topics:
Prof. Andrea Pucci is a full professor in industrial chemistry at the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry (DCCI) of the University of Pisa. Pucci received MSc and PhD degrees from the University of Pisa and he conducted postdoctoral research in the same University. He was visiting scientist at ETH Zurich, the University of Manchester, the Polish Academy of Science in Lodz and at the University of Groningen. His scientific interests are expressed in the field of polymer science with particular attention to mono-or multiphase polymer (nano)systems with functional properties for applications such as chromogenic materials responsive to external stimuli of various kinds, or for applications in the energy field. Prof. Pucci is a fellow of the Società Chimica Italiana and a permanent member of the council for the PhD course in Chemical Science of UNIPI. He is currently chair of the patent technical committee of the University of Pisa and chair of the Bachelor degree course in Chemistry for industry and environment and of the Master degree in Industrial Chemistry. He is co-author of about 170 peer-reviewed papers with total citations > 4000 and H-index = 35 (Scopus), of 7 book chapters and 6 patents. Since 2016, he is a fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. He is now serving as Associate Editor of the of RSC Advances.


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Department of Chemistry
and Industrial Chemistry

Via Giuseppe Moruzzi, 13
56124 Pisa

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Gruppo Comunicazione DCCI
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