Full Professor
Scientific Area: Industrial Chemistry
Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale
Via Moruzzi 13, 56124 PISA
Office Phone: +39 050 2219 290
Lab. Phone: +39 050 2219 355/331
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Lab. Web Page: ricerca.dcci.unipi.it/greencat
Group Web Page: http://greencat.dcci.unipi.it
Link to publication: https://arpi.unipi.it/cris/rp/rp13076
UniMap: https://unimap.unipi.it/cercapersone/dettaglio.php?ri=3941
E-Learning: https://polo3.elearning.unipi.it/user/profile.php?id=1410
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0622-844X
Short academic CV and research topics:
Anna Maria Raspolli Galletti graduated in Industrial Chemistry at the University of Pisa (UNIPI) in 1982, where then earned her PhD in “Chemical Sciences” in 1987. She has been Associate Professor since October 2000 and is Full Professor of Industrial Chemistry at UNIPI since January 2016, where is Head of the research laboratory in Industrial Chemistry. She has been Member of the Administration Board of UNIPI from 2007 to 2012 and from 2015 to November 2021. She served the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry of the same University as Deputy Head (2012-2016) and as President of the Course in Industrial Chemistry (2014-2020). She was visiting professor in 2017 at the University of Groningen and in 2007 and 2009 at the Institut National Politechnique of Tolouse (France), where she has held lecture cycles for doctors. She is currently Vice President of the Industrial Chemistry Division of Italian Chemical Society and in 2008-2011 has been Member of its Steering Committee. Moreover Prof. Raspolli Galletti is member of the Interdivisional Catalysis Group of Italian Chemical Society and in 2009-2015 has been Member of its Steering Committee. Her research activity is focused on applied catalysis devoted to process and product innovation. She has a long experience in the optimization of many types of catalytic reactions such as acid hydrolysis, hydrogenations, carbonylations, basic condensations, oligomerization/polymerization reactions. In particular the research team has a strong expertise on the catalytic and biocatalytic conversion of renewable resources. Moreover, sustainable and safe reaction approaches, such as the use of water medium and of heterogeneous catalysts, but also the adoption of microwave and ultrasonic heating were preferred also for the optimization of many industrial processes. Particular attention was also devoted to the improvement of process and product safety.