Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale
Via Moruzzi 13, 56124 PISA
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Alessia Andreotti graduated in Chemistry in 2002 at the Università di Pisa with a thesis on laser cleaning applied to the restoration of paintings (“La tecnologia laser nel restauro di dipinti: aspetti chimici connessi ai processi di rimozione di patine e vernici”). Since 2004 she has been working as a technician at the Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale in the technical-scientific and data evaluation areas. Her research is focused on the characterisation of natural and synthetic organic materials collected from samples in the field of Cultural Heritage by means of instrumental analytical techniques such as HPLC, GC/MS, Py-GC/MS and DE-MS. She also focused on the application of laser and other state-of-the-art techniques to the cleaning of easel paintings, mural paintings and other artifacts (paper, textiles). Thanks to the active collaboration with several research institutes including the Free Electron Laser Laboratory of the Duke University (USA), the American Museum of Natural History of New York (USA) and the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser of the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH-IESL, Crete), she is investigating the chemical modifications undergone by organic materials in mural and easel paintings fossil bones, and other artifacts, as an effect of laser cleaning. She has been working as Scientific Project Manager of the restoration campaign of the mural paintings ‘Trionfo della morte’ (B. Buffalmacco) in the Camposanto Monumentale of Pisa.